centrifuge testing中文什么意思

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  1. Recommended practice for precision centrifuge testing of linear accelerometers
  2. Precision centrifuge testing of linear accelerometers , recommended practice for
  3. Through the research of theory , centrifuge test and numerical simulating , the paper brings forward the evidences in theory for the design and construction of high - stack soil , so the paper is valuable in engineering application
  4. Through discussion of numerical solution , the author get the effect of height of filled soil , size of culvert , width of valley , property of filled soil , construction procedure and techniques on soil stress of the culvert top ; 3 . through the centrifuge test , the paper validates the reliability of numerical calculating on high - stack soil ; 4 . the paper puts forward the simplified calculating method of soil stress of the culvert top on the foundation of numerical simulating and centrifuge modeling
    通过对数值解的讨论,得到填土高度,涵洞截面尺寸,沟谷底部宽度,沟壁坡角,填筑体性状,施工速度,地下水对竖向位移场及涵洞顶部土压力的影响情况; 3通过离心机的模拟试验,验证了数值计算对高路堤的计算结果的可靠性; 4在数值模拟和室内离心机模型试验的基础上,提出了高填方涵洞顶部土压力简化计算方法。
  5. A centrifuge testing program was undertaken to investigate the distributing of displacement on the embankments " cross sections and to observe the performance of these embankments at failure or the failure trend of these embankments . the responses of foundations were also analyzed . various slopes and various spacing of the reinforcements were considered in this testing program


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